Favorite Friends Friday 73 – Help Tulum Dogs
I found my loving dog here, so I make sure I
give back every single year on my
dog's birthday
#fridayvlog #favoritefriends #dogs #mexipups #helptulumdogs #mydogsbirthday #theyfoundmydog #riley #tulummexico #quintanaroo #dogrescue #feedthestrays #abandoneddogs #homelessdogs #treated #cleanedup #donations #volunteers #veterinaryassistance #flightangel #fostercare #fosterparents #dogadoption #dogtransport #loveandcare #helpinghands #amazing #highlyrecommended
Top Tip Thursdays 73 – Do You Have Trouble Sleeping?
No drugs or anything is going in, it's just
crystals that are reflecting your body's own light into them
#thursdayvlog #toptips #troublesleeping #stroke #menopause #disruption #horrible #patches #nodrugs #crystals #differentkinds #backofmyneck #toes #inbetween #webbing #weird #itworks #accupressure #accupressurepoints #producingsleep #motherpatch #benefits #healing #amazing #mustknow #highlyrecommended #dmme #daretoshare
Wacky Wednesday 73 – Who’s Lead Poisoned?
They were tearing apart
walls and creating all sorts of
lead dust
#realestate #wednesdayvlog #wacky #funnyvideo #lead #poisoned #leadpoisoning #bigthing #leadlaws #housing #rhodeisland #leadsafe #massachusetts #leadfree #environmentalprotection #mario #tease #workingonapartment #leaddust #whenhecantremember #lol #lolmoments #daretoshare