ABOVE - Our Beautiful Building after our Renovation.
I can't say the Ugly Brown House Any more to help people find us.
Come by and check us out and enjoy a cup of Coffee, Tea or Cocoa with us!
It creates an opportunity for your 🏡👩🏿🤝👨🏻 neighbors to come and 🗣️👄 poke their noses around. #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #openhouse #showings #homebuyers #whyIhateopenhouses #itdoesntsellthehouse #neighbors #poketheirnosesaround #ithelpsagentthough #capture #assist #unrepresentedbuyers #tomakeitsuccessful #advertised #lotsofsigns #directpeople #seriousbuyer #covid19 #lackofinventory #aggregatingtheshowings #youcanhaveanhourtogetallthepeoplethere #efficientmethod
He wears 🌸🩲 bikini underwear, so it was a justified 💬 comment from him! 🤣 #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #funnyvideo #speedoonyourface #speedo #pink #mask #fatigue #covid19 #hewearsbikiniunderwear #mario #french #theguywhoinstallsthecarpet #justifiedcomment #hilarious #lol #senseofhumor
It popped the ⚰️ caskets up out of the 💀😲 cemeteries! #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #caskets #cemeteries #floatingdownthestreets #woonsocket #hugeflood #disaster #itpoppedthecasketsoutifthecemeteries #unbelievable #mayorwasextremelysmart #armycorpsofengineers #redesignedthetownaroundtheriver #builtthelevees #itprotectedourcity #greatflood #warwickmall #filledupwithwater #bigissue #housingissue #molddisclosure
It is 👌🏻 easier if you can 💰 sell first, and live temporarily in an apartment for a couple of weeks than 🔐 close on the new house #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #realestatequestions #dominoclosing #closing #moving #movers #homeselling #homebuying #homesellers #homebuyers #sellyourhomebeforeyoucanbuy #closingisdependentontheother #finalwalkthrough #tricky #stressful #easierifyoucansellfirst #livetemporarilyinanapartment #ifyoucanavoidititisdefinitelysmoother #youarenotrelyingonsomebodyorsomethingelse
I kept throwing the 🏀 ball, and 👀 look what happened! 🤣 #realestate #fridayblog #funfriday #funnystory #carley #riley #throwingtheball #theychasingthesquirrel #sheisgonnagointheroad #nervous #squirrelwentupthetree #Icomebacktositdown #thechairbrokeunderneathme #Icantevenstandit #americasfunniesthomevideos #lol
He’s 🙅♂️ not living a ✨ posh lifestyle, jets and mansions – he’s just lives 👌 normal #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #warrenbuffet #tax #taxsaving #taxsavingstrategies #accounting #heonlypayszeropointonepercenttaxes #hejustlivesnormal #onehundredthousanddollarsofsalary #reasonable #modest #helivesinthesamehouse #hedonateshalfofhissalary #neat #notlivingaposhlifestyle #giveitallaway #notleavingabunchforhiskids #hiskidshavejobsworkingforhiscompanies #howtodefraytaxes #mastermind #class
I made him 😂 laugh so hard at one of my 🎬 stories that he 😵 passed out! #realestate #wednesdayblog #wacky #hepassout #lol #instagram #igstory #igfollowers #workmateslaphisface #hefellasleep
Blackberries 📱 in essence, as phones are dead but they got us the 🤝🏼💁 client 😊 #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #blackberry #phone #documentary #areblackberriesdead #founderwastootiedtohistechnology #hecouldntgetoutofhisownwaytoimproveandinnovate #imadethisindustry #iphone #cameout #noclickytouchpad #cleanscreen #repositioned #rebranded #cybersecurity #marioscontactpage #clientsawblackberryonthere #thatwashisfavoritephone #thatshowwegottheclient #bizzare
Here are a couple 💡👍 tips that could help you possibly 💰 afford a little bit more 🏡 house #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #realestatequestions #tips #homebuying #homebuyers #canyouafford #crazymarket #highinterestrates #highhomeprices #adjustableratemortgage #refinance #lenders #noextracharges #paydownsomedebt #creditcar #cheapercar #studentloans #closingcostconcession #downpaymentassistance #increaseyourincome #askforaraise #earnyourappreciationnow #dreamhouse #marketupdatereport #rhodeisland #massachusetts #connecticut
Unit Type – 2 Units Multi-Family Property Type – Up/Down 3 Beds – 2 Baths 1,382 Sq. Ft. – Built in 1920 Price: $399,000 141 5th Avenue, Woonsocket, RI 02895
Why 🤷🏻♂️ not enjoy 🥳🚘 life now? #realestate #fridayblog #funfriday #mario #midlifecrisis #1971car #convertiblecar #buickskylark #whitetop #whiteinterior #mildlifecrisiscar #heisinlovewiththatcar #hewassohurt #heworemedown #whenareyougoingtoenjoylife #whynotenjoylifenow