ABOVE - Our Beautiful Building after our Renovation.
I can't say the Ugly Brown House Any more to help people find us.
Come by and check us out and enjoy a cup of Coffee, Tea or Cocoa with us!
Looking for a 👼 🔮 sacred space that helps your body and spirit 🤲 heal? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #soaringhawkhealing #miragarner #masterhealer #angelichealer #reikimaster #sacredspace #reikihealing #chakra #meridian #healingtouch #spaceclearing #smudging #distanthealing #crystals #sacredritual #energybalancing #oraclecardreadings #archangelintuitive #kind #loving #cleanse #reviveyourenergy #ittakesallthenegativeenergyoutofyou #safetoheal #highlyrecommend #bellingham #massachusetts
Could your ceiling save your 🏡 house from a 🔥 fire? #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #tinceiling #fire #saveyourhomefromfire #protectyourhome #kitchen #antiquated #beautiful #cool #aesthetic
Roscoe would 🐾 run towards the 🌊 water and Riley would do everything in his 💪🏻 power to stop him 🤣 #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #dogs #roscoe #riley #beach #dontdragmeintothewater #dogwalking #tethered #oneleash #opposition #roscoelovedthewater #rileydidnotlikethewater #hewouldruntowardsthewater #hewoulddoeverythinginhispowertostophim #wheninnarragansett #cottage #crazydogs #lol
He basically made a 🌊 swimming pool by 🚜 hitting the water pipe #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #swimmingpool #frontyard #hewasdiggingwiththebackhoe #hehitthewaterpipe #flood #heisnotanexpertatdigging #contractor #hiretheexpert #trustedprofessional #simplerepairtodisaster #fail #hebasicallymadeaswimmingpoolbyhittingthewaterpipe
Are you a first-time 👨👩👦 🏡 homebuyer looking for a program that offers 💲 down payment and closing costs assistance that ❌ does not need to be repaid? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #susanrijos #rihousing #firsttimehomebuyer #homeownership #program #downpaymentassistance #closingcosts #seventyfivethousanddollars #grant #freemoney #families #leavingalegacy #buildanequitywiththesameamountofmoneyyouusetorent #marketupdatereport #rhodeisland
Looking for an ⭐ exceptional salon that offers rejuvenating and restorative 💆🏻♀️💅🏻 beauty enhancement treatments? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #eneidavann #salon #spa #cosmetique #bridalservices #massagetreatment #haircare #therapeuticbodytreatment #skincare #handandfeettreatment #hairandscalptreatment #hairremoval #30yearsinbusiness #wellexperiencedstaff #fullservice #firstclass #pampering #highlyrecommend #cumberland #rhodeisland
Our 💸 pay-back period was 😲 only five years because of the 🤑 rebates #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #Idontlikepayingforthings #trump #investmentproperty #tenantspaymymortgage #solarpanels #solarcredits #payback #rebates #Idontpayformyelectricityanymore #findwaysforotherpeopletopayyourstuff
Put of 🐱 theirs outside the 🏡 house where they can catch the 💨 smell and they will be drawn to it! #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #honey #cat #runaway #missing #9days #shewalkedtoneighborhoodtofindhim #distraught #tears #shecleanedouthisstuff #trick #thecatisback #putsomethingoftheiroutside #theycancatchthesmell #theywillbedrawntoit #senseofsmell #crazygood #hehadbeengoneanothertime #IthoughtIlosthimtwice #nineteenyearsold #goodlife
Where 🤔 is he? It’s taking ⏳ forever #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #perils #showings #house #attic #familyaffair #theywanttocheckouttheattic #hegoestogetaladderinhistruck #whereishe #itstakingforever #hegotlockedinthebackofhisvan #childlock #cardoor #whitevan #creepy #wearenotgonnaletyouout #wetookapicture #lol #hilarious