ABOVE - Our Beautiful Building after our Renovation.
I can't say the Ugly Brown House Any more to help people find us.
Come by and check us out and enjoy a cup of Coffee, Tea or Cocoa with us!
Do you 🤔 think that you’re getting a better ✅💰 deal as a buyer, going direct to the listing agent to buy your 🏡 home? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #homebuyers #buyeragent #homebuying #dontgonaked #listingagent #itslikehavingsexwithoutcondom #listingagentworksforseller #theywilltelltheseller #notprotected #youaregivingthatagentmoremoney #commission #offer #commissionisnotgettingsavedbythesellertochooseyouroffer #risks #getyourownagent #helpsyounegotiatetogetthebestdeal #stayprotected #marketupdateinfo #personalizedreport #massachusetts #rhodeisland #connecticut
Unit Type – Condominium Property Type – Other 2 Beds – 2 Baths 1,098 Sq. Ft. – Built in 2015 Price: $328,000 60 Saw Mill Drive, Unit #303, North Kingstown, RI 02852
Looking for a ⭐🌿 functional medicine nutritionist who helps patients reverse conditions they’d been told were 😷 untreatable or irreversible? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #patients #meganbarnett #biolounge #florasophyfiber #functionalmedicinenutritionist #sherlockholmesofhealth #holistic #healthcare #supplements #symptoms #mystery #discomfort #illness #imbalances #injuries #infections #reverseconditions #untreatable #irreversible #individualized #sciencebasedapproach #helpspatientbodiesheal #incrediblydetailed #waybeyondtheaveragemedical #unique #hugelyinformative #highlyrecommend #teleappointment
They can use those for 🤩 fun things and they don’t have to 🎭 pretend to be 🤒 sick to get a day off #realestate #thursdayblog #toptips #kudoschip #kudosdaysrule #sickdays #employees #Idontgivemyemployeessickdays #Iacknowledgethemwithkudoschips #award #theycanusethoseforfunthings #vacationdays #personaldays #focusonpositive #participateintheirjoy #theydonthavetopretendtobesicktogetadayoff
It would go about 25-30 yards and 🐕🦺 she would almost be under the 🏀 ball before it landed! #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #Carley #squeaks #shelovestheball #cutedog #balllauncher #itwouldgoabout25to30yards #shewouldalmostbeundertheballbeforeitlanded #unbelievable #sheislikedancing #sheisexcited #hilarious
Who knew that 🏡 real estate was so ⚠️dangerous? #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #dangerousjob #airbag #interestingthing #itemforsale #showing #shemissedthecurb #shefelldown #Ineedtogetherthisthing #antifallclothing #wholebodysurroundprotection #ergonomicdesign #integratedairbagweavingtechnology
Unit Type – Single Family Property Type – Colonial 5 Beds – 1.5 Bath 2,054 Sq. Ft. – Built in 1900 Price: $225,000 35 Union Street, Woonsocket, RI 02895
How would you like to ⬆️ elevate your 💰 returns with marginally 🏡 below-market rents? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #rentalincome #belowmarketprice #propertymanagement #tenants #returnoninvestment #marketvalue #allthemoneyforrent #problemtenants #theyaregoingtoaskforeverylittlething #turnovercosts #theywillaskforimportantthings #keepsyourpropertyvalueup #marketupdateinfo #personalizedreport #rhodeisland #massachusetts #connecticut
Looking for a ⭐ licensed and insured lawn care company that provides class-A ♻️ organic treatment and natural 🦟 insect controls? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #sutherlandsorganicsolutions #lawnindistress #lawncare #natural #organic #coreaeration #overseeding #calciumtreatments #commerciallawncare #athleticfieldturf #outdoorpestcontrol #horsepaddockpestcontrol #safe #lowmaintenance #highlyrecommend
You can get this taken care of ❌ without having 🧗🏽 crazy amount of ladders and having people be in ☠️ danger #realestate #thursdayblog #toptips #powerwash #highroof #tallhouse #50ft #drone #whoknewthistypeofthingevenexisted #nocrazyamountofladders #nothavingpeopleindanger #freakingcool
Unit Type – Single Family Property Type – Colonial 4 Beds – 2.5 Baths 3,382 Sq. Ft. – Built in 1920 Price: $549,900 35 Wrentham Road, Worcester, MA 01602