ABOVE - Our Beautiful Building after our Renovation.
I can't say the Ugly Brown House Any more to help people find us.
Come by and check us out and enjoy a cup of Coffee, Tea or Cocoa with us!
His name was on the 🏡 mortgage first and I’m like I lost my 📱 👑 spot! #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #Mario #hefinallygrewabackbone #Iruledtheremote #queen #newhouse #hisnamewasonthemortgagefirst #hewantedtobeking #Ilostmyspot #hecontrolstheremote #hischairwasrightacrossfromtheTV #itdidnotlastlong #sherulestherules #queenreallytakescharge
Do you 🤔 think it was 😱 haunting or was it just the pipes ✊🏻 knocking? #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #haunted #showing #sellerswifehadpassedaway #myagentcouldnotgobackinside #knockinginthebasement #wifewasjustsayinghello #haunting #pipesknocking
Don’t 🏡❌ hire someone who’s just 😎 cool, chill, and fun, looking all ✨ pretty and perfect #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #realtor #shaggy #barbie #donthireeitherone #coolchillandfun #lookingprettyandperfect #theydoesntknowanything #hireatrustedprofessionals #professionaladvisor #largestfinancialasset #lawyer #psychotherapist #keepingthewholetransactionincheck #knowsaccountingandconstruction #personalizedmarketreport #marketupdateinfo #rhodeisland #massachusetts #connecticut
Looking for a 🍽️ restaurant that offers a wide range of traditional and fusion 🌮🍹 Mexican food and drinks? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #antojitostaqueria #mexicanrestaurant #tacos #fajitas #birria #quesadillas #burritos #freshness #qualityfood #highlyrecommend #cumberland #northattleborough
We got a 🌈 different color 🧣 towel for each person in the office #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #Mario #dirtyboy #savetheenvironment #hemakeourhandtowelsdisgusting #handtowels #differentcolorsforeachpersonintheoffice #Ididachartsotheguestwouldknowwhichonewasforthem #wearenotwastingpapertowels #keepingclean #wearenotspreadinggerms #hecankeephisdirtydarkbrowntoweltohimself
She 🤦♀️ forgot that she took the 🕳️ 😂 grate out! #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackywednesday #shedisappeared #renovating #holeinthefloor #sheforgotthatshetookthegrateout #shefell #lol
Do ❌ 🪓 not do self-help evictions, ✅ 🏡 follow the process and get your tenants out the right way #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #crimestory #axemurderer #reallive #landlord #tenants #selfhelpevictions #landlordtriedtomovethetenantouthimself #tenantkilledthelandlordwithanaxe #eveningnews #donotdoselfhelpevictions #followtheprocess #getyourtenantsouttherightway
Unit Type – 2 Units Multi-Family Property Type – Up/Down 4 Beds – 2 Baths 2,114 Sq. Ft. – Built in 1915 Price: $343,800 618 Great Road, North Smithfield, RI 02896
The more 🏡 houses you have, the ⤵️💲 lower prices should go #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #buyer #psychologyofrealestate #housingmarket #newconstruction #keyindicator #inventory #affordability #lawofsupplyanddemand #themorehousesyouhavethelowerpricesshouldgo #rhodeisland #massachusetts #connecticut
Looking for a ⭐ reliable company that offers secure and cost-effective 🗃️💾 document and hard-drive destruction services? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #shredsmart #shredding #onsitedocumentdestruction #harddrivedestruction #electronicwasterecycling #residentialshredding #shreddingevents #reliable #secure #costeffective #sensitiveinformationisproperlymanaged #highlyrecommend