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He got 🐕🦺🛷 pulled downhill, and there was never any slack! #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #Roscoe #sleddog #hepulledStacyaroundtheschool #bikejoring #Mariowasscared #downhill #therewasneveranyslackinit #hewassurprisedhowfunitwas
It can cost you 🤑 tens of thousands of dollars in ❌👎🏻 mistakes! #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #Mario #payforexpertadvice #spiderwebs #stovepipethatwaslosingfuelpressure #spiderswerebuildingwebs #ittakeshim10minutestogetthespiderwebsout #ittookhim30yearstolearn #wespendyearsbuildingabankofknowledge #itcancostyoutensofthousandsofdollarsinmistakes #knowledgebase
From that day on, we make three copies of the 🗝️🏡 keys #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #showing #homekey #keepingtrackofkeys #Idroptheonlykeywehave #slatsinthedeck #wemakethreecopiesofthekeys #lockbox #takecareofyourkeys #donotloseyourclientsonlykey
Look for multifamily properties to ✅ maintain the house level you are 🧐 looking for. #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #homebuyers #homemarket #singlefamily #pricedoutofthemarket #multifamily #rentalincome #mortgagepayments #homeownership #maintainthelevelofthehousebyenteringmultifamilyhousing
What would be the 🍑 butt of your 🏡 house? #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackywednesday #whereisthebutt #septic #boysminds #homeinspection #maintenance #houseproctologist #getitpumpedeveryyear #DonLariviere #TheHouseDoctor
”If you live alone and 👵🏻 you’re older, make a relationship to 📞 call somebody daily.” #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #tragicstory #bodiesdecomposing #SusanMenard #firstfemalemayor #herbodyandherlifepartner #alzheimer #dementia #havesomeoneyoucontactdailyifyouareolder #havesomeonetowatchoutforyou
What are the top 🏡 properties that you should have to 💰 invest in? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #investmentproperties #rentout #singlefamily #multifamily #condo #airbnb #goodreturns #1031exchange #updatethehome #increasethevalue #morerentperunit #evaluatethedealsandseewhatworks #marketupdatereport
Stacy and team at Peace of Mind Realty are the best in the business of Real Estate and Rental Property Management. Organized, punctual, and straight to the point with no time wasted. Highly recommended as your buying/selling agent, or if you need your property/properties managed in the local area their property care and real estate […]
Looking for a ⭐ full-service salon that offers outstanding 💅🏻💇🏼♀️ hair, nails, and waxing services? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #irmgardssalonandspa #pedicure #manicure #hairservices #coloringservices #waxing #lashes #botox #highlyrecommend #cumberland
🛡️ Be safe, and be prudent by keeping these 🧰🧯 emergency essentials inside your 🏡 house #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #emergencypreparedness #fireextinguishers #dontburyit #needtobevisible #basement #kitchen #littlefireextinguisherinyourcar #besafe #beprudent #firstaidkit #getthebigone #keeponeinyourcar