ABOVE - Our Beautiful Building after our Renovation.
I can't say the Ugly Brown House Any more to help people find us.
Come by and check us out and enjoy a cup of Coffee, Tea or Cocoa with us!
One effect of 🧠🥴 stroke that I kind of 🤗 hope sticks #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #stroke #fate #itaffectedmyrightside #troubletyping #myteamactingasmyrighthand #gameofthronespin #Sarah #therighthandtothequeen #manifested #mylip #sneerything #thissidedroops #onethingIkindofhopesticks
How did we 💪🥖 lure the 🦨 skunk out of our basement? #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #skunk #basement #Riley #Mario #howcomethebasementdoesntsmell #skunksspray #heisinthebasementfortwoweeks #howishesurviving #crackinthefloor #hewaslickingthecarpettodrink #weluredhimout #hotdogs #onepieceoneachstep #theleavesmakehimfall #heisdrinkingwateroutofadivot #Marioscaredhimaway
Everybody is 🤔 confused by the fact that the Fed rate goes ⬆️ up but mortgage rates can go ⬇️ down. #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #mortgageratetwist #conundrum #fedrate #shortterm #bankslend #mortgagerate #longterm #tenyeartreasuryyield #buyingpower #adjustableratemortgage #itwillbefixedforfiveyears #buymorehouse #refinance #capturingtheappreciation #rhodeisland #massachusetts #connecticut #marketupdatereport
Looking for a company that provides ⭐ superior 💨 🏡 indoor air quality services? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #greenhomesolutions #airqualityservices #moldremediation #indoorodorremoval #crawlspaceencapsulation #ductcleaning #indoordisinfection #airqualitytesting #probioticairpurification #Steve #NorthernRhodeIsland #Dan #SouthernRhodeIsland #experts #superiorservice #highlyrecommend
Measure 📏 the width and height so you won’t cut the 🪓🟫wall out. #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #Mario #heatingsystem #shorttank #talltank #measurement #length #width #condo #verylimitedspace #tightfit #environmentalreasons #wehadtocutthewallout #morethanjustreplacing #handyperson #measurethewidthandheight #makesureitisgoingtofit
”We’re going to combine our 🏡🗄️ businesses and change the name” #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackywednesday #PeaceofMario #peaceofmind #mariosappliances #hugesourceofreferrals #crosspromoting #combineourbusinesses #wedidnotreallychangethename #wedousethatnameforholidayparties
Why are you in here 🗄️🐇 westing? #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #rabbitinthefridge #westinghouse #restinghouse #marketing #Mariosbusiness #brandofappliance #fridge #elmerfudd #wascallyrabbit
Thinking of 🏡💰 selling a home in Eastern Connecticut? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #homeselling #marketmadness #connecticut #increaseinhomeprice #declineinnumberofhomessold #weareseeingmorebuyers #shortafeofinventory #movingoutofstate #wecouldfindyouahome #homebuying #marketupdatereport
Looking for an iconic ✂️💆🏼♀️ family salon that offers ⭐ professional hairdressing and cosmetology services? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #kathysplace #kathyconcilio #beautysalon #familysalon #hairdressing #cosmetology #feelrefresh #feelgoodandbeautiful #profoundhairdesigners #professional #artistic #highlyrecommend #woonsocket #rhodeisland
She 🙌 saved us from a potential future 🏡❗ problem by 📲 social-stalking them #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #tenantscreening #rentals #socialstalking #Sarah #propertymanager #acouplewhoisapplyingforaapartment #theyownedahome #thearenotsellingtheirhome #theywerelookingforthekids #drugproblems #discriminateagainstchildren #adultonlyresidence #owneroccupiedmultifamily #landlord #checkyourtenantsbysocialstalkingthem