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Find a different way to 🕯️⚱️ honor him because it’s not going to do any good for you to be on 🛣️👩🏽 street #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #leasing #tenant #eviction #mytenantispleading #helpinghertofindaplaceshecanafford #shewantedthreebedrooms #hersonkilledhimself #shrineforherson #Idontmeantobeinsensitive #bepractical #findadifferentwaytohonorhim
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Unit Type – Multi-Family Property Type – Side/Side 2,340 Sq. Ft. – Built in 1970 Price: $455,000 48-50 Prospect Hill Avenue, West Warwick, RI 02893
Unit Type – Multi-Family Property Type – Side-by-Side / Up/Down 8 Beds – 4 Baths 2,912 Sq. Ft. – Built in 1900 Price: $295,000 76 West Street, Enfield, CT 06082
Vacant Land 0.5 (21,780 Sq. Ft.) 73-75 Summit Street, Orange, MA 01364
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What You Need to Know About Assisted Living? Assisted living is a type of long-term care community where older adults live independently in their own rooms or apartments while receiving assistance in areas they need. Assisted living communities offer different amenities, environments, and extra services, but all provide personal care assistance, health monitoring, and meals. […]
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Unit Type – Multi-Family Property Type – Up/Down 9 Beds – 3 Baths 3,604 Sq. Ft. – Built in 1910 Price: $580,000 131 Pullen Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02861