ABOVE - Our Beautiful Building after our Renovation.
I can't say the Ugly Brown House Any more to help people find us.
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”The 📩 mail falls out of my back pocket, directly into the 🚽😬 toilet.” #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #Ron #mail #Ipeedonit #Iretrieveitandwashitoff #spreaditoutonthestovetodryout
”I woke up this one 🌞 morning and saw a 🌊🐬 dolphin swimming by” #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #unexpectedmorningvisitor #Homestead #TheateroftheSea #dolphins #swimmingby #socool #peaceful #unforgettableexperience
What is the 💰 most affordable city to 🏡 live in Rhode Island? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #RhodeIsland #mostaffordablecity #WestWarwick #analyzedbasedonthreediffrentstatistics #pricetoincome #averagetax #medianhouseholdincome #fortythousanddollarsispovertylevel #onlytenthousanddollarsabovepovertylevel #marketupdatereport
I almost used the 🚿 shower curtain for 🚽 toilet paper! 🤣🤪 #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #Mario #doyouknowthedifference #youshouldanswerthebathroomquestion #heisnotgonnaletyouusethebathroom #showercurtain #toiletpaper #ourbathroomissosmall #youcouldmistaketheshowercurtainforatoiletpaper #Ialmostusedtheshowercurtainfortoiletpaper
”The 👨👩👧👦 family missed the 🚂 train and we 🚘🦸 drove them 3 hours at 10 o’clock at night” #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #latenightroadtripheroes #Pollyana #superkind #supersweet #Imalittlemorematteroffactnow #thefamilymissedthetrain #holidaytime #theyneedtogetbacktoClevelandOhio #wedrovethemthreehoursattenoclockatnight
When are our 🏡 buyers going to 💲 catch a break? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #massachusetts #buyer #march #homesales #inventory #interestrates #homepriceshoinghigher #inventorygoinglower #interestrateswerelow #waivinginspections #waivingappraisal #notahealthymarketenvironment #marketupdatereport
”You weren’t ⌨ typing, you were just ✔️ fixing all your ⚠️ mistakes!” #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #Mario #talentedtypist #backspacebreaker #typing #Imfreakingamazing #Ibrokethebackspacebutton
”I did not have ♨️ heat and it was 🥶 45 degrees in my house for 10 days.” #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #Mario #concretecatastrophe #concretefloorinourbasement #heatingsystems #concretedust #itdriessolidlike #winter #Ididnothaveheat #itwas45degreesinmyhousefor10days #thankgodIhadmydogtocuddlewith #Roscoe #itwastheconcretedustthatsolidifiedintheheatingsystem
Are we ever going to have any 🏡 equity for ⬇️💰 lower-income earners? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #injustucerevealed #lowerincomeearners #housing #covidimpact #theyhadtostayclosertothecities #showupphysically #disparity #propertiesclosertocitiesarehigherinprice #theycannotaffordtobeasclosetothecity #reasonablehousingforlowerincomeowners #marketupdatereport