ABOVE - Our Beautiful Building after our Renovation.
I can't say the Ugly Brown House Any more to help people find us.
Come by and check us out and enjoy a cup of Coffee, Tea or Cocoa with us!
Unit Type – Single Family Property Type – Colonial 3 Beds – 2 Baths 1,841 Sq. Ft. – Built in 2013 Price: $430,000 73 Charles Street , East Providence, RI 02916
Do you know how some people 💍💐 marry the same spouse and get 💔divorced multiple times? #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackywednesday #Jimmy #doubledip #houseflip #housethatneverended #hebuythehouseback #resold
”That 🐭 little mouse could have 🔥 burned down my office when I just had finished renovating it” #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #littlemouse #startedthefire #hotplate #themousespunthedial #itburstintoflames #itcouldhaveburneddowntheoffice #FarmersInsuranceCommercials #theyneedtofeaturethiswackystory
What are the ⭐✅ top three favorite tips to get your 📃offers accepted in today’s competitive market? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #RadhiShah #buyersmarket #howtogetyouroffersaccepted #getfullyapproved #beprepared #getalltheducksinarow #notowaivedinspections #appraisalchallenges #marketupdate #DallasTexas #Metroplex
Unit Type – Condominium Property Type – High Rise 2 Beds – 2 Baths 1,295 Sq. Ft. – Built in 1992 Price: $299,000 2 School Street, Unit #425, Lincoln, RI 02802
”The 😳🏡 house is horrible, we took care of it and now it’s one of our ⭐💰 best producers” #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackywednesday #investmentproperty #weboughtahousewithoutseeingit #foreclosure #wewonthebid #houseishorrible #wetookcareofit #bestproducers #greatdeal #wesoldit
I’m celebrating a 🧠 weird 10th-year 💪🎉 anniversary! #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #weirdanniversary #10thyear #tumor #benign #nervedamage #paralyzed #MRI #IcantellhowmuchImimproving #Icando12flightsofstairs #showinghouses #nerveshealveryslowly #Iwillbeabletodomorephysically
Do you ever expect that 💲 taxes will go ⬇️ down? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #Roth #TraditionalIRA #retirementaccounts #taxableincome #annualjob #investment #withdrawaltaxfree #marketupdateinfo
If your 🤧 honey is sick, do you let him 💋 kiss you or not? #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #dontkissme #Marioissick #heinsistsonkissingme #Igotsick #keepyourgermstoyourself
”The 🏡 house went to his 👨👩👦👦 kids but it was her 🤑 money that helped him buy the house.” #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #homebuying #dothingsrightthefirsttime #probate #deed #inevitablehappening #husbanddied #thehousewenttohiskids #putbothpeoplesnameonthedeedrightaway