ABOVE - Our Beautiful Building after our Renovation.
I can't say the Ugly Brown House Any more to help people find us.
Come by and check us out and enjoy a cup of Coffee, Tea or Cocoa with us!
”I go 🖼️🛒 frame shopping alone from now on” #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #paris #frameshopping #oilpaintings #itcostsahundreddollars #heforbidit
Would you ever think that you had to get a ❌✋ restraining order against clients? #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #restrainingorder #propertymanagement #condoassociation #boardofdirectors #Igavemynotice #theyfeltIwasmaking #harrassment #theycalledthecops #theboardmakesdecisionsandimplementsthem
Do you think 🏡💸 home prices will ⬆️ double again by 2040? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #homeprices #2040 #PaulVaness #doubletheamount #20yearslater #commentbelow #marketupdatereport #rhodeisland #massachusetts #connecticut
Tired of handing 🗝️ multiple keys for a house due to different 🚪🔒 doors that lock? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #DepaultAceHardware #Andy #keys #locks #keyedalike #Schlage #onekeyforallyourdoors #homeimprovements #craftsmantools #awesomejob #highlyrecommend
”A quick ➗💰 math to show you that the 🏡 property is performing the way it should be” #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #rentalincomeratio #investing #1percentrule #rentals #purchaseprice #income #knowwhatyouarebuying #runyournumbers
”That’s how 9️⃣9️⃣ many it took for me to find 💖 you” #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackstory #Mariosepisode #99boyfriends #runningjoke #thatshowmanyittooktofindyou #playful #sillymoments
She left us 🔪🩸 dead animals inside the 😱 house! #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #monthlymurderversion #hoarders #deadanimals #tenant #registerednurse #hewantshistrashback #mentalillness #wefeelbadforthem #propertymanagement
”The 💰 net to the 🏡👩🏻💼 agents is not as much as you 🤔 think” #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #howagentsgetpaid #commissions #sellerexpense #costofthesale #commissiongetssplit #listingbrokerage #buyingbrokerage #brokersliability #fourpartiesinvolved #marketupdatereport
I get 👠😭 razzed like 😅 crazy! #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #childhoodstory #diy #clogs #Isoundedlikeahorseclopping #stapledfoamtothebottom #gonewrong #Igetrazzed
He wanted to 🔪🩸 murder his ex-wife’s husband! #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #drunkdave #openhouse #crazydrunkstory #losinghismind #hisexwifeshusband #murder #cheating #birthmark #herpes