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”If I’m going to be 🪓 chopping wood, I need somebody to 🧱 PILE IT” #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #lumberjackpilot #Mariosdad #playonwords #pileit
”Check with your 👩💼 realtor before you do any 🛠️🏡 repairs yourself” #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #spraypaintsolution #fixchippingandpeelingpaint #clientdiditbyherself #colorsilver #itwasnotthebestjob #alwayscheckwithyouragent #wecouldhelpyouforbetterresults
”You might want to reconsider 🚚🏡 moving back to the 🌃 city” #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #urbanhousingmarkets #COVIDimpactsonhousing #peoplemovedoutofthecities #peopleleaveNewYork #rentals #workfromhome #cityhousingmarketsaresuffering #movingbacktothecity #affordabledeal #goodthingforbuyer #marketupdatereport #RhodeIsland #Massachusetts #Connecticut
Looking for a company that offers ⭐ thoroughness in rectifying 👨🏻🔧💧plumbing issues? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #DubePlumbing #JordanDube #plumbingneedsandissues #intoplumbingsincehewastwo #plumbinginhisblood #verysmart #thorough #responsive #prettyhappyguy #highlyrecommended #NorthernRhodeIsland #Massachusetts
”You should 💵 pay them 👩💼🏡 what they’re worth” #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #hiringarealtor #donthirebasedonprice #messeduptattoo #forever #biggestinvestment #payforaqualityagent #getthebestservicepossible #paywhatheyareworth
”Have the 👨 cobbler send an ✉️ apology letter to everybody at the funeral home.” #realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #sillyMario #thebelt #cobbler #ketodiet #loosingweight #hetookhisbelttothecobbler #funeralhome #everybodyseehisbuttcrack #apologyletter
”Go a 🏡🚚 little bit bigger than what you think you might need” #realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #getabiggertruck #getabiggerhouse #moving #nobodywantsasecondtripwiththetruck #ratherhaveunusedspace #youcangrowintothathouse #makesahugedifference
How has the 🏡 housing demand surged as the 😷 pandemic took hold? #realestate #mondayblog #marketupdate #remotework #crazysurgeinhousingdemand #effectsofpandemic #theneedforhomeofficespace #somearegoingbacktotheoffice #goodtimetosell #appreciation #marketupdatereport
Looking for a 🏡🥅 professional fencing provider who is on ⭐ top of his game? #realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #realestate #LynchFence #JamieLynch #topfencingprovider #installation #repair #donemultiplefencesforus #200feetbeautifulwhitevinylfence #committed #greatlypassionate #promptservice #veryaffordable #highlyrecommended #NorthSmithfield
How do you handle the ⚫ holes in the 🟫🏡 walls? #realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #movingaroundtip #holesinthewalls #caulk #caulkinggun #jointcompound #whitetoothpaste