We value good service and we value our relationships ...

The Law Offices of Sean D. Elliott
(401) 593-5001
640 George Washington Highway, Suite 103, RI 02865 Sean Elliott sean@seanelliottlaw.com
Pelletier Marshall & Clark
(401) 727-4100
655 Mendon Road, Suite 2G Cumberland, RI 02864
Brad R. Pelletier BPelletier@pmc-attorneys.com
Marlene B. Marshall MMarshall@pmc-attorneys.com

Glenn J Andreoni, Inc.
(401) 334-4770
628 George Washington Highway Lincoln, RI 02865 Glenn J Andreoni Lori@rirealestatelaw.com
Walsh, Brule & Nault, P.C (RI Sellers and only)
(401) 334-4545
1334 Mendon Road Cumberland RI 02864 Andy Nault anault@wbnri.com

Law Office of Joseph Raheb
(401) 333-3377
650 Geo. Washington Highway Suite 200 Lincoln, RI 02865 Alexander J. Raheb, Esq. Fax: (401) 334-4152

Home Pro Inspections of Rhode Island, Corp.
(401) 821-5446
Hank Ritcher homeprorhodeisland.com
House Doctor Home Inspection Inc.
(401) 597-0050
P.O. Box 17546 Smithfield, RI, 02917 Don Lariviere house.dctrri@gmail.com https://housedoctorri.com/

Hearthstone Inspections
(401) 635-2242
Frank Hopton hearthstoneinspections.com
Home Safe Home Inspections
(401) 384-0832
Rob Miranda homesaferi.com

Bonafide Home and Mold
RI: (401) 644-3930
MA: (617) 360-1590
Woonsocket, RI 02895
Don Lambert

Choice Home Warranty
(800) 816-2688
(888) 275-2980
2147 Route 27 South 4th Floor Edison, NJ 08817

Shamrock Home Loans
(508) 208-5675
40 Douglas St. Unit 2, Uxbridge, MA 01569 Brian Whitten brian.whitten@shamrockhomeloans.com

Bank RI
(401) 574-1326
137 Pitman Street Providence, RI 02906 Stephanie Silva SSilva@bankri.com

Envoy Mortgage, Limited Partnership
(508) 369-6988
Virna Brown Vbrown@envoymortgage.com Apply online at: www.virnabrown.com
Guild Mortgage
(978) 758-9227
77 Sleeper Street, Office 02-139 Boston, MA 02210 Ashley Borden https://branches.guildmortgage.com/ma/boston/ashley-borden-306-rgacr.html?ashleyborden

Nations Lending
(401) 275-3149
1615 Pontiac Ave., Floor 1 & 3, Cranston, RI 02920 Aaron Kloss Aaron.Kloss@nationslending.com

Matt Brennan (401) 600-4740

Justin McKenney (401) 600-4747 Justin.Mckenney@marcumllp.com
Marcum LLP
(401) 600-4500
155 South Main Street, Suite 100 Providence, RI 02903 https://www.marcumllp.com/

Joe Ackaway (401) 465-7790
Barbara Ackaway (401) 474-3545
RI 1031 Exchange Company
1308 Atwood Avenue, Johnston, RI 02919 https://ri1031exchange.com/

Allstate Insurance
(401) 765-5000
125 Eddie Dowling Highway, North Smithfield, RI 02896 Cara and Celeste Benjamin CBENJAMIN@allstate.com CBENJAMIN2@allstate.com
Ocean Point Insurance
(401) 847-5200
500 West Main Road, Middletown, RI 02842 acarreiro@oceanpointins.com https://www.oceanpointins.com/

Mario's Appliances
(401) 765-1636
968 Elm St., Woonsocket, RI 02895 Mario Cloutier mariosappliances@gmail.com http://mariosappliances.com
Building Remodeling and Painting Corp.
(401) 766-4931
321 Main St., Woonsocket, RI 02895 brapco@gmail.com

Jimmy J's Building Corporation
(401) 425-1370
P.O. Box 2278, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Jimmy and Stacey Cloutier jimmyjsbuildingcorp@gmail.com stacey@jimmyjsbuildingcorp.co https://www.jimmyjsbuildingcorp.com/
Lebrun's Landscaping (401) 533-007
219 Old Great Rd North Smithfield, RI 02896 Adam Lebrun Lebrunslandscaping@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/LebrunsLandcaping

Rise Engineering
(401) 784-3700
1341 Elmwood Ave., Cranston, RI 02910 https://www.riseengineering.com/

Mass Save
(781) 309-7540

Lynch Fence
(401) 356-4699
781 Victory Highway
North Smithfield RI 02896 Jamie Lynch https://lynchfence.com/
D & M Flooring

Apex Solar
(844) 744-2739
(850) 396-1432
64 Main St, Queensbury, NY 12804 info@apexsolarpower.com https://www.apexsolarpower.com/
Depault Ace Hardware
(401) 333-9855
2000 Mendon Rd Ste 9, Cumberland, RI 0286 rdmg@depaultshardware.com rdmg@depaultshardware.com

Koopman Lumber & Hardware
(508) 234-4545
665 Church Street, Whitinsville, MA 01588 info@koopmanlumber.com https://koopmanlumber.com/
Beauchemin Lumber
(401) 762-1657
334 Social St, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Steve and Anne Beauchemin steve@beaucheminlumber.com anne@beaucheminlumber.com https://www.beaucheminlumber.com/

Heartside Fireplaces
(401) 519-6830
Warwick : 844-401-2876
Holliston: 844-508-2876
Westport: 844-774-2876
790 Bald Hill Rd, Warwick, RI 02886 https://hearthsidepatio.com/ salesteam@hearthcorp.com
Kafin Oil Co., Inc.
(401) 765-3881
27 Hamlet Ave, Woonsocket, RI 02895 https://www.kafinoil.com/

Green Home Solutions
Mold & Odor Removal
(401) 871-3335
barbaras@greenhomesolutions.com https://www.greenhomesolutions.com/
Sutherland's Organic
(401) 764-0740
2308 Hartford Ave, Johnston, RI 02919 info@soslawn.com https://www.soslawn.com/

Torricelli Home Improvement
(401) 257-8860
Torricellihomeimprovement@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/profile/torricelli

Dube Plumbing
(401) 548-4064
14 1st Avenue Blackstone, MA 01504
Jordan Dube dubesplumbing@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/dubes.plumbing
GM Perron & Son
(401) 762-4830
1297 Pound Hill Road North Smithfield, RI 02896
Mike Perron perronplumbing1@hotmail.com

Moe the Mover
(401) 399-6683
(401) 602-2541
52 W Reservoir Rd, Smithfield, RI 02917 MoetheMover@MoesMoving.com www.MoesMoving.com
Gentry & Moving Storage
(401) 785-1600
1425 Cranston St Rear, Cranston, RI 02920 info@gentrymoving.com http://www.gentrymoving.com/

Gentle Giant Moving
MA: 8 Bunker Hill Industrial Park, Boston, MA 02129
(508) 620-1177
(617) 661-3333 RI: 125 Amaral St, Riverside, RI 02915
(401) 453-4400 https://www.gentlegiant.com/
(866) 229-4120
Clearwater, Florida http://www.pods.com

(800) 468-4285
Phoenix, Arizona https://www.uhaul.com/
(800) 973-1540
(888) 808-0453
127 Scaleybark Rd Charlotte, NC 28209 community@caring.com https://www.caring.com/best-senior-moving-companies/

Chris Corrigan Moving Inc.
(401) 722-2422
169 Cowden St., Central Falls, RI, 02863 Chris Corrigan chriscorrigan1956@gmail.com cjcorrigan@movewithcorrigan.com https://www.movewithcorrigan.com/

Trudeau's Auto Repair
(401) 762-2440
654 Cass Ave Woonsocket, RI, US 0289 Bob Trudeau bobtrudeau@charter.net robintrudeau102@gmail.com http://trudeausautorepair.com/

Bruce Johnson
bruce@bizscalers.com https://www.bizscalers.com/ https://www.facebook.com/BizScaler/
The Real Estate Sales Academy
Vikram Deol
https://www.vikramdeol.com/tresa https://www.facebook.com/groups/realestatesalesdojo

The Valley Breeze
(401) 334-9555
6 Blackstone Valley Place, Suite 204, Lincoln, RI 02865 Donna Meehan donna@valleybreeze.com https://www.valleybreeze.com/

Lyon Property Management
(401) 400-7006
65 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick, RI 02888 Jim Murray Jim@LyonPropertyGroup.com https://www.lyonpropertygroup.com/

Melissa Grylls
(401) 864-8311

Chelo's Hometown Bar & Grille
(401) 769-6622
490 Clinton St, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Woonsocket@Chelos.Com https://chelos.com/
Ciro's Tavern
(401) 399-6683
42 Cherry St, Woonsocket, RI 02895 events@cirostavern.com https://www.cirostavern.com/

Laguna Taqueria & Pizzeria
(401) 602-1203
420 Social Street, Woonsocket, RI 02895 https://www.toasttab.com/laguna-taqueria-and-pizzeria-420-social-street
Pacific Asian Cuisine
(401) 769-6622
490 Clinton St, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Vicky Lin www.pacificri.com

Kay's Restaurant
(401) 762-9675
1013 Cass Avenue, Woonsocket, RI 02895 http://www.kaysrestaurant.com/
The Roast House
RI: (401)475-1040 MA: (508) 883-7700
RI: 176 Columbus Ave, Pawtucket, RI 02860 MA: 3 Farm St, Blackstone, MA 01504 roasthouse@rhouse.necoxmail.com https://theroasthouse.com/

Antojitos Taqueria
(401) 488-4051
1188 Cumberland Hill Rd, Woonsocket, RI 02895 info@antojitosrestaurants.com https://www.antojitostaqueria.com/

The Grand Bellevue - Rail Dining
(401) 295-1203
2 Alexander Road, Portsmouth, RI info@thegrandbell.com https://www.thegrandbell.com/

Kathy's Place
(401) 765-5766
999 Cass Avenue, Woonsocket, RI 02895
Kathy Concilio https://kathysplace.webs.com/
Irmgard's Salon and Spa
(401) 658-3700
3383 Mendon Road, Cumberland, RI 02864
irmgardssalon@gmail.com https://www.irmgardssalon.com/

Eneida Vann
(401) 658-1738
3595 Mendon Rd, Cumberland, RI 02864 info@evsalonspa.com https://www.evsalonspa.com/

Megan Barnett
(971) 770-1655
1741 NW 24th Ave, Portland, OR 97210 info@bioloungepdx.com https://meganbarnett.net

Judith Potter
(401) 765-3577

Kerry - Platinum Pooche
(508) 561-1354
71 Rayner St, Blackstone, MA 01504 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063638047301
Help Tulum Dogs

(401) 226-3500
Bethany Gobeille https://www.rover.com/ https://www.facebook.com/RoverDotCom

BaseRunner Net Services
Botelho Electric
(401) 226-3500
20 Wheeler St, Rehoboth, MA 02769 Joseph Botelho Botelhoelectric@gmail.com

Animal Evictions
(401) 331-9494
(860) 774-2789
180 Roth Rd, Killingly, CT 06241 anevict@sbcglobal.net http://animalevictions.com/
Stadium Theatre
(401) 762-4545
28 Monument Square, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Cathy Levesque marketing@stadiumtheatre.com https://www.stadiumtheatre.com/

Shred Smart
(844) 758-5550
10 Gramar Ave, Prospect, CT 06712 https://www.shredsmartusa.com/contact-form/

White Eagle Junk Removal
(774) 203-9086
30 Pine Street, Attleboro, MA Jeremydaylor@whiteeaglejunkremoval.com https://whiteeaglejunkremoval.com/
Coastal Queen - Newport Lighthouse Cruise
(844) 758-5550
5 Bowen's Landing, Newport, RI 02840 https://www.shredsmartusa.com/contact-form/