143 Woodville Alton Road, Hopkinton, RI 02832

- Unit Type - Single Family
- Property Type - Ranch
- 3 Beds - 2 Baths
- 1,378 Sq. Ft. - Built in 1970
- Price: $455,000
143 Woodville Alton Road, Hopkinton, RI 02832
Wacky Wednesdays 31 – Cloutier Contraption
''He's got to figure out how he gets all the 🌿🌳 stuff into the dumpster that is 😳 6-7 feet high on the side.''
#realestate #wednesdayblog #wackystory #storythatlivesonforever #cloutiercontraption #yardcleanupjob #lumberjack #dumpster #sixtosevenfeethigh #woodenstepladder #fivesheetsofplywood #coupleofboards #screws #rickety #woodchipper #poisonivy #ingested
True Tales from the Trenches Tuesday 31 – My Agent Forgot to Pick Up Her Son
''She was very focused on 📞 reaching out to so many people that she 🤦♀️ forgot to pick up her son at the 🚌⛔ bus stop.''
#realestate #tuesdayblog #truetales #salescontest #reachouts #committed #focused #dedicated #textingandcallingpeople #sheforgottopickupherson #reticularactivatingsystem #remindsusofsomethingimportant #shedidwinthecontest