Favorite Friends Friday 15 – Lynch Fence
Looking for a 🏡🥅 professional fencing provider who is on ⭐ top of his game?
#realestate #fridayblog #favoritefriends #realestate #LynchFence #JamieLynch #topfencingprovider #installation #repair #donemultiplefencesforus #200feetbeautifulwhitevinylfence #committed #greatlypassionate #promptservice #veryaffordable #highlyrecommended #NorthSmithfield
Top Tip Thursdays 15 – Holes in the Walls
How do you handle the ⚫ holes in the 🟫🏡 walls?
#realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #movingaroundtip #holesinthewalls #caulk #caulkinggun #jointcompound #whitetoothpaste
Wacky Wednesdays 15 – The Birds and the Bees
''My 👵🏻 grandma almost spit her 🦷😁 teeth out!''
#realestate #wednesdayblog #wackywednesday #thebirdsandthebees #childhoodmemories #farmlife #grandma #playfulmoments #momtalktouslikeadults #highlevelofvocabulary #sillyquestiontoourgrandma #shealmostspitherheethout #talktotext #autocorrect #shithappens #hopeyouarenotoffendedbythisepisode #letsallchillout