Favorite Friends Fridays 42 – Kathy’s Place
Looking for an iconic ✂️💆🏼♀️ family salon that offers ⭐ professional hairdressing and cosmetology services?
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Top Tip Thursday 42 – The Hidden Side of Tenant Screening
She 🙌 saved us from a potential future 🏡❗ problem by 📲 social-stalking them
#realestate #thursdayblog #toptip #tenantscreening #rentals #socialstalking #Sarah #propertymanager #acouplewhoisapplyingforaapartment #theyownedahome #thearenotsellingtheirhome #theywerelookingforthekids #drugproblems #discriminateagainstchildren #adultonlyresidence #owneroccupiedmultifamily #landlord #checkyourtenantsbysocialstalkingthem
2052 Main Road, Tiverton, RI 02878

- Unit Type - Single Family
- Property Type - Other
- 3 Beds - 2 Baths
- 1,887 Sq. Ft. - Built in 1898
- Price: $950,000
2052 Main Road, Tiverton, RI 02878